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How to Save PowerPoint as PDF?

Portrait of Abhijeet
Abhijeet Kumar
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How to Save PowerPoint as PDF?

To export a PowerPoint presentation as a PDF file, follow these steps -

  • Open your PowerPoint presentation. Click on the "File" tab in the top-left corner of the PowerPoint window.
  • In the "File" menu, select "Export" from the left-hand panel.
  • Click on "Create PDF/XPS Document" from the options available. Click on the "Create PDF/XPS" button that appears to the right.
  • In the "Save As" dialog box, choose a location to save your PDF file and enter a file name. Make sure "PDF" is selected as the "Save as type".
  • Click the "Options..." button to access additional settings for your PDF, such as choosing which slides to include, whether to include hidden slides, and whether to include comments and ink markup. Adjust the settings as needed and click "OK" to confirm. Click "Save" to export your PowerPoint presentation as a PDF file.
  • Now check your exported PPT in PDF.

Your PowerPoint presentation will be saved as a PDF file in the specified location. This PDF file will maintain the formatting and layout of your presentation, making it easy to share or print without any concerns about compatibility or appearance.

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About the Author

Abhijeet Kumar - Crafting Motion Magic

I'm not your typical creative; I'm an avid thinker and ideator who seeks out adventurous experiences and thrives on great challenges. My passion for bringing characters to life through motion results in captivating aesthetics and enthralling storytelling.

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